DeGroote School of Business
A financial investor in a business suit converses with a couple.

Responsible Investing Study

A financial investor in a business suit converses with a couple.


Responsible Investing is an umbrella term that refers to investors integrating non-financial elements, related to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concerns, into their assessment of firm performance. Some investors, typically high net worth families and foundations engage in what the Rockefeller foundation calls “impact investing”. Impact investors seek social or environmental impact in addition to some form of financial return, often making loans and taking equity positions in social entrepreneurs.


The Research

This research explores the challenges and successes of advisors and investors in making responsible investments. Unlike conventional investments that focus on financial returns and risks, responsible investing helps investors earn financial returns while accounting for social and environmental issues.

In particular, we are focused on understanding:

  1. If and how financial advisors adopt responsible investing related business practices
  2. Challenges financial advisors face in engaging retail clients with responsible investing
  3. The journey that responsible investing investors undertake in their efforts to obtain applicable financial advice.

Ultimately we are interested in understanding if and how the retail market for SRI is being created.

This study uses in-depth semi-structured interviews with financial advisors, investors, and members of financial intermediaries. In addition, to interview data, we will gather archival data including news articles, press releases, and related reports. We will gather additional materials such as meeting minutes, internal memos, and other documentation revealed by respondents. These data will inform our understanding of financial advisors, investors, and other responsible investing related stakeholders.

This work draws on research supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.


Letter of Information

The Responsible Investing letter of information for investors.


Interim Study Results

This is an ongoing study. Interim study results are available below.


Knowledge Webinar Slides

View the presentation slides from the Responsible Investing in the Retail Advisory Channel lecture.


Final Report

Please see the final report below.



Research Team

Brent McKnight is an Associate Professor of Strategic Management at the DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University. Dr. McKnight studies how firms and organizations address complex societal problems. Currently, this interest has led him to undertake research in the areas of responsible investing at the retail advisory.

Benson Honig DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University. Research interests include business planning, nascent entrepreneurship, transnational entrepreneurship, ethics in scholarship, immigration and social entrepreneurship, social capital, and entrepreneurship in transition environments. He has published in leading academic journals (over 100 peer-reviewed articles) and serves on ten editorial boards.

Kevin Veenstra is an Assistant Professor of Accounting ar the DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University. Dr. Veenstra studies the influence of social norms and personality traits on an assortment of phenomenon, including career trajectories and corporate financial performance. His interest is driven by his fascination with how individual and group characteristics influence decision making and related outcomes.

Anjali Chawla is a Ph.D. Student of organizational theory at the DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University. Her research interests include sustainability and social entrepreneurship.

Any future reports, conference submissions, professional development workshops, and other published work will be posted here.