DeGroote School of Business
A marketing researcher team sitting around a table with a laptop.


A marketing researcher team sitting around a table with a laptop.

About the Area

The faculty expertise in the marketing area covers a range of specialties, including business marketing and channel strategy, new product development and innovation, pricing, branding and advertising, green marketing and sustainability, the marketing-finance interface, and emerging e-commerce business models.

Our faculty members’ research has been published in prestigious journals such as the Journal of MarketingJournal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Retailing, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Industrial Marketing Management, and the Journal of Business Research, among others.

The marketing area boasts some of the finest and award-winning teachers in the university, who teach in the undergraduate, MBA and doctoral programs. Courses offered by the faculty are rooted in marketing theory and incorporate practical components, including in-class and extra-curricular activities, that allow students to apply their knowledge.

Area faculty often work closely with the marketing industry to innovate and develop courses, many of which have significant experiential content. Several experientially driven programs spear-headed within the area, including MARS Apprentice and Canada’s Next Top Ad Executive (CNTAE), have gained national recognition for industry and academia partnerships.


Dr. Mandeep Malik

Dr. Mandeep Malik

Associate Professor / Area Chair, Marketing

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