Information systems are critical for business firms to survive and prosper in today’s global marketplace. Research conducted by faculty in the IS area at DeGroote helps companies of all sizes understand how to best use information systems including eBusiness and mobile business to find new markets, improve market share, reduce costs and satisfy the requirements of their customers and business partners.
Technology adoption, Human Computer Interaction, website design, eGovernment, knowledge management, information security and privacy, digital storytelling, Decision Support Systems, and eHealth are some of the topics currently under investigation by IS researchers at DeGroote.
Courses offered by the IS area are focused on equipping students with a solid understanding of the gamut of information systems that exist in today’s business environment and the critical role they play in achieving a sustained competitive advantage for any organization.
DSB 505
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Political Science, McMaster University
PhD student, McMaster University/DeGroote School of Business
More details to follow
DSB 505
Associate Professor, Colorado State University
more details to follow