DeGroote School of Business
Female professional in business attire conversing with male colleague. Ideal for HR and Management research.

Human Resources & Management

Female professional in business attire conversing with male colleague. Ideal for HR and Management research.

About the Area

People are at the centre of any organization. Faculty members in the Human Resources and Management area at DeGroote are studying how to plan for, select, train, organize, lead, motivate, inspire and manage people – from contract workers to long-time employees – from North America and Europe to Asia and Africa. Research conducted by faculty encompasses the broad disciplines of organizational behaviour, human resource management and industrial relations. The overall purpose is to enhance organizational effectiveness and help organizations achieve their strategic objectives.

Recent publications by area members have appeared in such journals as the Academy of Management Journal, Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, Human Relations, Industrial Relations, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Personnel Psychology and Strategic Management Journal.


Dr. Catherine Connelly

Dr. Catherine Connelly

Professor / Business Research Chair / Director, McMaster Centre for Research on Employment and Work (MCREW)

Dr. Rick Hackett

Dr. Rick Hackett

Professor / EMBA Academic Director (acting)

Dr. Benson Honig

Dr. Benson Honig

Professor / Director, Centre for Research on Community Oriented Entrepreneurship (CRCE) / Business Research Chair

Dr. Erin Reid

Dr. Erin Reid

Professor / Canada Research Chair in Work, Organizations and Careers-Tier II

Dr. Trish Ruebottom

Dr. Trish Ruebottom

Associate Professor / Director of the PhD Program / University Scholar

Dr. Aaron Schat

Dr. Aaron Schat

Associate Professor / Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies

Dr. Baniyelme Zoogah

Dr. Baniyelme Zoogah

Associate Professor / Area Chair, Human Resources and Management

Faculty Emeritus

In the News

Research Seminar Schedule